Nectarine Dreams
Annnd we’re back with the second half of this week’s content, starting off with a “no-waste” syrup and now building a cocktail around it. I love bourbon and peaches (or nectarines), so this is my core. I split the base with aquavit for its botanicals— specifically, coriander, clementine, and anise. A bit of Montenegro elevates the orange-y notes and lends a bittersweet balance.

So Kozy
The aquavit kick continues, courtesy of my friends at @nordenaquavit. This drink uses a special bottle of aquavit aged in ex-bourbon barrels and finished in a bourbon barrel aged stout barrel. I enjoy sipping this one as much as most whiskeys, so the goal of a cocktail is to stay out of the way and help the bright spots shine.

Odd Couple
I’ve tried a lot of split bases along the way. It might be a sickness, but if it is, I don’t want the cure. If nothing else, two primary spirits allow for more dots to connect to other flavors/ingredients. Sometimes, there is an amazing synergy— like here, for example, the grassy funk from the cachaça totally changes in the presence of the savory-leaning botanicals of the aquavit. Seriously, give this split a try. (I may also need to try with rhum agricole now too!).

Though I admit the anise flavor profile has not always been my favorite, I’m coming around to it. If you feel the same way, the Sazerac is a great classic cocktail to give you just a hint of the flavor, especially if you like the boozy/Old Fashioned style of drink. I’ve learned that I much prefer anise if it’s in an herbal context— so this riff tries to take the classic Sazerac and make it more herbal.

Tom Kha Gai
It’s been far too long since I’ve had a food-turned-cocktail post, so I’m really excited to share this one. This drink is my submission for the @bestcocktails @bluestembotanicals contest, where we got to choose three of their awesome products to incorporate into a cocktail. I chose savory-leaning ingredients (lemongrass syrup, savory bitters, and lions mane mushroom tincture), initially not quite sure what I wanted to make.

Jaisamler Gin & Tonic
Welcome to Highball Happy Hour! It's no surprise that I enjoy making some... complicated cocktails from time to time. But a good gin and tonic is actually one of my favorite cocktails to enjoy while eating-- the slight quinine bitterness helps to quench the thirst and cleanse the palate, and the complex array of flavors and botanicals tend to pair well with many cuisines. Like many cocktails that only have a few ingredients, a G&T is easy to make but much harder to get just right. As part of my #sponsored @JaisalmerGin content, I wanted to make my "ideal" G&T to really celebrate the gin.

From The Ground Up
Happy Earth Day everyone! To celebrate, I am continuing this week’s trend of Making Things Complicated with more layers, a homemade tincture (using otherwise discarded fennel fronds), and citrus peels that were going bad (garnish). The drink is shot in my garden and if you have the space, I highly encourage you to plant something if you don’t already.

The Real Streets of Cabbagetown
I posted a drink called Cabbagetown (1/18/21) that was named for an area of Toronto, since the drink itself was a Toronto riff. Many people commenting on the drink were expecting actual cabbage in the drink, which made me really happy to know that people think I am bold (?crazy) enough to try such a thing. I mean, it would be on-brand given my love for food-inspired, often savory-leaning concoctions. Yeah, you see where this is going-- I had to do it.

Green With Envy
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m sure your feed is filled with Red, Cliches, and references to fat, matchmaking little angels. This post goes out to anyone not feeling all the Love…or maybe even feeling a bit jealous of all the warm fuzzies Hallmark would make you believe you should be feeling. [Full disclosure: I am a Big Softie and I happily married to my forever Valentine🥰].

Open Sesame
Another flip coming your way today. Gotta make up for all that lost time of my “pre-flip” days. This one is closer to my “core” in that in takes a more culinary approach and evens flirts with some savory flavors. The driving force for this build was the honey sesame cashew orgeat. Ever had those irresistible cashews from @traderjoes? If not do yourself a favor and pick up a bag…or don’t, if your new year’s resolution wasn’t to snack uncontrollably. The oregeat is a syrup made from this top-notch snack.