Stand Tall
This cocktail is absolutely delicious and I highly recommend giving it a try. It’s a whiskey sour riff that features a delicious California bourbon kindly sent by @redwoodempirewhiskey and builds around a homemade strawberry tarragon syrup. [Muddle strawberries with equal weight of white sugar, stir in handful of slapped tarragon, refrigerate overnight. Fine strain, coffee filter, bottle, refrigerate.]. The Campari plays off the berry notes and provides some bitter depth, and the bit of Jäger helps draw out the gentle anise notes from the tarragon.

Swan Song
I’m not typically one to gift birds, even to my true love. A new cocktail is more my style, and my love does enjoy tequila. Thankfully, I have the chance to join some drinkstagram friends in celebrating the #12daysofelbandido (#ad), so a tequila drink it is.

Strawberry Forest
This is actually a revamp of a reaally old post using a standard Negroni format starring cedar-infused gin. Wait, what?? Yeah, cedar wood. It’s really not too crazy when you think about it— barrel aging is a wood-infusion of sorts. Cedar is a highly fragrant wood whose oils impart a noticeable (and pleasant) flavor, and quickly at that. The gin infusion below was ~1 square inch of a cedar plank (which costs like $2 at the store) in ~4oz of gin infused for 36-48hr.