Big Fat Tiki
Happy Tiki Tuesday! Happy Fat Tuesday! I have one big whopper of a tiki drink for you today. This one makes me really excited because there are too few whiskey-based tiki drinks in my opinion. When @alpinedistilling kindly gifted me their spiced bourbon, I knew I had to go in that direction. I love my strong, overproof whiskies, but I gotta say— this is really delicious all by itself, maybe not too surprisingly since I love cinnamon and stone fruit.

Get A Move On
I don’t like waste. Old fruit? Shrub. Stale bread? Croutons. Several cans of prune juice about to expire (#parenthood)? Sounds like a syrup-itunity to me. The best part is that the syrup is, like, really good— raisiny, rich, a little funky. I can only assume it’s great for my digestive health, too.

Open Sesame
Another flip coming your way today. Gotta make up for all that lost time of my “pre-flip” days. This one is closer to my “core” in that in takes a more culinary approach and evens flirts with some savory flavors. The driving force for this build was the honey sesame cashew orgeat. Ever had those irresistible cashews from @traderjoes? If not do yourself a favor and pick up a bag…or don’t, if your new year’s resolution wasn’t to snack uncontrollably. The oregeat is a syrup made from this top-notch snack.