Royal J

Vacation MacGyver, pt. 1
Today I'm continuing Highball Happy Hour with a summer-y, tropical-leaning, and absolutely crushable drink featuring the one-and-only Jaisalmer Gin. The recipe for this one came about during a recent vacation. It's a funny thing about being the self-elected vacation bartender-- when you're used to a very... expansive bar at home, it's a big change to suddenly have very limited options. But as I always say, constraint is the catalyst of creativity, so here is the first of two drinks I created with what I had on hand.

Jaisamler Gin & Tonic
Welcome to Highball Happy Hour! It's no surprise that I enjoy making some... complicated cocktails from time to time. But a good gin and tonic is actually one of my favorite cocktails to enjoy while eating-- the slight quinine bitterness helps to quench the thirst and cleanse the palate, and the complex array of flavors and botanicals tend to pair well with many cuisines. Like many cocktails that only have a few ingredients, a G&T is easy to make but much harder to get just right. As part of my #sponsored @JaisalmerGin content, I wanted to make my "ideal" G&T to really celebrate the gin.

What A Teas
Today I’m continuing my #sponsored content with @JaisalmerGin, this time with a new cocktail recipe. One of the more unique features of this gin (and one of my favorites) is the inclusion of Darjeeling green tea as one of the botanicals. Tea lends itself really well to spirits, given their depth of flavor and (as an avid lover of amaro) bitter element. As such, they’re great for infusing, and you can dial in the level of bitterness depending on how long you let the infusion go.