Violet Crown
I have a fruit-forward Springtime drink to share today! The strawberry tarragon syrup has been a huge hit and is nearly gone, so here is one more drink featuring it. This one includes a beautiful purple gin kindly sent by @mcqueenvioletfog that is flavored with berry/hibiscus. The strawberry was a natural pairing here with the berry notes. I added a bit of tequila because I love the hibiscus/agave combo. Bitter bianco brought some depth and balance to the build. For being a fairly straightforward Tom Collins riff, this one was highly touted by my (albeit gin-loving) wife.

Stand Tall
This cocktail is absolutely delicious and I highly recommend giving it a try. It’s a whiskey sour riff that features a delicious California bourbon kindly sent by @redwoodempirewhiskey and builds around a homemade strawberry tarragon syrup. [Muddle strawberries with equal weight of white sugar, stir in handful of slapped tarragon, refrigerate overnight. Fine strain, coffee filter, bottle, refrigerate.]. The Campari plays off the berry notes and provides some bitter depth, and the bit of Jäger helps draw out the gentle anise notes from the tarragon.