Just Add Chips
When I first heard about San Miguel Southwestern Gin that @old_harbor was going to send me— full of lime, cilantro, and cucumber, among other botanicals— I immediately thought of salsa. But how could I bring in salsa into a cocktail? I’m curious to hear others’ approach here, but I went with a shrub.

I’ve enjoyed all the spooky/seasonal posts lately, so it’s about time I gave one back. Not that is spooky, but certainly appropriate for Halloween. The drink stars a squash-infused whiskey (using a lovely rye aged in bourbon barrels gifted from @ewingyoungdistillery). I used kabocha squash, which I think has a richer, earthier flavor compared to, say, butternut or pumpkin (though either would work just fine). I dehydrated thin slices of the squash and infused a few in the whiskey for ~2 days.

Tom Kha Gai
It’s been far too long since I’ve had a food-turned-cocktail post, so I’m really excited to share this one. This drink is my submission for the @bestcocktails @bluestembotanicals contest, where we got to choose three of their awesome products to incorporate into a cocktail. I chose savory-leaning ingredients (lemongrass syrup, savory bitters, and lions mane mushroom tincture), initially not quite sure what I wanted to make.

The Real Streets of Cabbagetown
I posted a drink called Cabbagetown (1/18/21) that was named for an area of Toronto, since the drink itself was a Toronto riff. Many people commenting on the drink were expecting actual cabbage in the drink, which made me really happy to know that people think I am bold (?crazy) enough to try such a thing. I mean, it would be on-brand given my love for food-inspired, often savory-leaning concoctions. Yeah, you see where this is going-- I had to do it.

Biscotti Italiani
This food-inspired cocktail is the brainchild of my dear friend @rogzor and came about during our fernet-inspired cocktails R&D session for the @homebarawards (so honored to be in the top 3!). While this wasn’t one of my official entries, it’s a darn good drink and conceptually really fun. Lazzaroni makes a lovely fernet, minty but not quite as intense as branca. The Lazzaroni family is also known for making an almond biscotti. While I couldn’t locate the original, I did acquire a chocolate-dipped almond biscotti.

I am excited to participate in this year’s #secretsanté that is so kindly hosted by the one and only @servedbysoberon. My Santé is @saifbarman. This was a new account to me, but one that was easy to enjoy and to find common ground with my own cocktails: frequent use of fresh ingredients and herbs, and unafraid to lean toward the savory now and then.

Texas BBQ Old Fashioned
Today I’m excited to share with y’all the second of two cocktails celebrating the arrival of Penelope Bourbon in Texas. This drink features their barrel strength bourbon. It’s the ideal style of whiskey for an Old Fashioned— higher proof (~115), and a ton of delicious character that doesn’t need to be buried in a cocktail. There are definite notes of maple, vanilla, and caramel with a distinct oak presence. It’s assertive, but approachable, especially for its strength.
Tex Mex Whiskey Sour
Howdy y’all! I am pleased to share with you the first of two cocktails featuring Penelope Bourbon. They are based out of New Jersey but recently entered the Texas market. In addition to the requisite corn, their flagship bourbon is made with rye, wheat, and malted barley. The result is an incredibly balanced, well-rounded whiskey that is lovely neat and incredibly versatile in cocktails.

Peanut Boo-Ter Plop
It’s about time for a Halloween-themed drink. This one is more “treat” than “trick”, a peanut butter and chocolate themed Manhattan. The inspiration for the drink comes from @brooklynmixologist, and a few of us have decided to make a “plop-o-ween” drink (the photograph contains a “plop” of an ingredient). The last photo is more of a classic “ploppy”; the first two are… pre/post Big Ploppy?

Muhamara Magic
I kindly interrupt your Negroni-filled feed for a drink I am super excited about because: 1) It was really tasty, 2) It’s my favorite type of drink (food-inspired), and 3) It actually was very reminiscent of the food dish. It all started when I got to talking with @shelbymastro about the awesomeness of pomegranate molasses and how it would be cool to make a drink with it inspired by Muhamara— a delicious Middle Eastern dish I posted about on 9/13 (recipe from @ottolenghi via @masterclass).