John Berens John Berens


This drink is a riff on the Toronto (rye/fernet/syrup), so I called on my friend @sidds.pix for some Toronto neighborhoods. Cabbagetown (sweet name right?) isn’t too far from Toronto proper, and this riff is not far from the original. It’s a revitalized area that still retains a lot of its older, Victorian architecture. And from what Google tells me, it’s kinda… fancy, with farmer’s markets, trendy coffee shops, and higher-than-average priced homes.

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Don’t Ass-ume
John Berens John Berens

Don’t Ass-ume

I love plum wine (umeshu). I always assumed it was made with, well, plums… but it’s actually made ume, which is actually a relative of (but not identical to) the plum most of us are familiar with. The things I learn while posting, amiright? I recently got my hands on an umeshu made with kokuto sugar.

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Open Sesame
John Berens John Berens

Open Sesame

Another flip coming your way today. Gotta make up for all that lost time of my “pre-flip” days. This one is closer to my “core” in that in takes a more culinary approach and evens flirts with some savory flavors. The driving force for this build was the honey sesame cashew orgeat. Ever had those irresistible cashews from @traderjoes? If not do yourself a favor and pick up a bag…or don’t, if your new year’s resolution wasn’t to snack uncontrollably. The oregeat is a syrup made from this top-notch snack.

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John Berens John Berens


I am excited to participate in this year’s #secretsanté that is so kindly hosted by the one and only @servedbysoberon. My Santé is @saifbarman. This was a new account to me, but one that was easy to enjoy and to find common ground with my own cocktails: frequent use of fresh ingredients and herbs, and unafraid to lean toward the savory now and then.

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Swan Song
Theresa Berens Theresa Berens

Swan Song

I’m not typically one to gift birds, even to my true love. A new cocktail is more my style, and my love does enjoy tequila. Thankfully, I have the chance to join some drinkstagram friends in celebrating the #12daysofelbandido (#ad), so a tequila drink it is.

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PPP (purple / pea / plum)
Theresa Berens Theresa Berens

PPP (purple / pea / plum)

Happy Monday y’all! After acorns and spruce trees I felt like something more… indoor? Less woodsy ? It’s a little simpler too, but don’t let that fool you; it’s a darn good gin sour. And it’s really purple so it has that going for it.

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Southside of the Forest
Theresa Berens Theresa Berens

Southside of the Forest

Another day, another southside riff because they’re awesome. This one came together because: 1) I received a lovely gin from @spring44distilling (with a cool victory engraving by @rec_etch) that definitely gives “mountain forest” vibes; 2) I attempted to make spruce syrup. I say attempted because spruce tips are really necessary to make a proper syrup and I only had branches. The result still tastes spruce-y but was not near the tree branch mouth slap that I was going for.

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Joy To the Squirrel
Theresa Berens Theresa Berens

Joy To the Squirrel

Today we are going full Christmas mode with a really special cocktail that is both human and, I assume, squirrel-approved. It is a rum-based, stirred drink that was created to showcase the incredible @chairmansreserveofficial spiced rum. It’s different than any spiced rum I’ve ever had. First, it’s 40% abv, and not overly sweet. The spice profile is deep, with the expected flavors (cinnamon, clove, all spice) supplemented by hints of citrus and a note of cola-like bitterness that reminds me of some of my favorite amari. It’s lovely.

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Flippin’ Nuts
Recipe Theresa Berens Recipe Theresa Berens

Flippin’ Nuts

December is here, the Christmas tree is up, and I can wear a jacket in Texas most days without feeling hot. Sounds like as good of time as any to begin Flip Season. Believe it or not, this is actually My First Flip post. If you are like I was and have…reservations about a full egg in your cocktail, well, let’s just say that waiting this long is on my list of regrets. Do yourself a solid and try one!

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Lost Key
Wellness Theresa Berens Wellness Theresa Berens

Lost Key

In all honesty, absinthe is pretty new to me. Anise has been a flavor that has taken me some time to grow on me, but I am finally at a place where I enjoy the flavor in the right context. Needless to say, I was really excited when @absinthe_absente offered to send me a bottle!! After I enjoyed it on ice (I need to get an absinthe spoon…), I was determined to make a cocktail using more than just a rinse.

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